Monday, October 6, 2008


I have been here in Utah for 2 weeks minus a day now. It seems like our little Mary has had a language explosion and her shyness is waning. She actually said a full sentence, "He ate it." She'll repeat anything we say and it is so sweet! "Yubboo" (love you) is a delightfully common occurence now! In the airplane on the way here, it was just Mary and me, I was trying to keep her toned down as we neared SLC so I pointed out the mountains and said BIG MOUNTAINS. She caught on to BIG and kept pointing to them and saying BIG in her high volume vocals. She has now since gotten the MOUNTAIN part down. Last night, on the way over to Andrew and Jaime's (Jon's brother and family), she repeated MOUNTAIN the entire way on maximum volume which, for Mary, is VERY LOUD.
My baby....


Libby said...

Personally, I get a kick out of the "mon" said at full volume. Pretty hilarious.

Robin said...

Cute Mary!! It's fun to see her get more comfortable. We love her.

Lizzy said...

I am glad you are back blogging more. I wish we could have seen you while you were in Utah. We don't make it down very often ourselves. Good to hear your family is doing well...