Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nursery, nursery, nursery...

Three weeks ago I was released from my calling as Relief Society teacher and was extended a calling to be the Nursery Leader. I have to say that for the first few moments I felt disappointed that it wasn't a "greater" calling, but that initial vanity left me quite quickly and was replaced with a happy, excited, grateful feeling.
For a while the previous nursery leader had no "official" helpers, only parents who would sit in. As a result, it was very difficult for her to have an organized program since there were sometimes over 18 children in there.
We have since started using our new stake center (which is joyfully a maximum of 5minutes away), had a ward split and a new one created, and had some serious reorganization. Now there are 3 of us called to work in the nursery and I think we are really clicking! We still have up to 16 kiddos in there, but in January almost half of them will be sweet little Sunbeams. For our lesson we split and I take all of the Sunbeams-to-Be (plus Mary Jane because well, you know my girl). Man they are so cute! Today we were learning about how we can pray to Heavenly Father.
We switched around our schedule so it goes like this:
Check In/puzzles or coloring
Circle Time (that's get the wiggles out game/song time)
Lesson Time (split)
Snack Time (always a favorite)
Music Time (Beth did it with puppets today which they LOVED!)
Free Play Time
Clean Up
Story Time/Check Out
I love the new nursery manual, "Behold Your Little Ones." It's perfect for Family Home Evening with small children and is so simple that the bigger ones can help with the lesson planning. It really directs them towards their Father in Heaven.
Anyway, now I'm home and I am pooped! I've got all the kids down for Sunday quiet time and Jon's asleep already. Ringers are off--and I'm going to take a much needed nap!


shelby said...

I might as well be a nursery leader I am in there every sunday anyway. I already have two callings, actually three so maybe they wont give me the fourth. I am a visiting teacher supervisor (that shouldn't really count as a calling), activity days leader for the 8-9 year old girls, and assistant girls camp director for one more summer. So maybe I can just go in the nursery and sit back and do nothing for a little while longer.

Libby said...

Sounds like a lot of work! FYI-I found your old friend Wendy in the blog world. Her sister Brooke commented on my Levi photo post, then she's listed on Brooke's blog as Wemdu Pea. You should take a peak.

Robin said...

I bet the kids love you. I can't wait for Campbell to go to nursery. Keep up the good work.

Lizzy said...

Wow! I've been there for almost a year. I tell my bishop every chance I get that it is the best calling in the church. I'm glad you have helpers. It makes it much easier. Sounds like you have a great schedule worked out. Enjoy, I sure have!!! I think my time is short...That's what the bishop keeps hinting.